Worth Ave. Group - Providing peace of mind to consumers for over 50 years.

COVID-19 Update

Last Updated: 4/6/2020

Worth Ave. Group has adapted to better serve you during these challenging times and to minimize impact on the service we provide to you. As with any situation that brings uncertainty, we expect higher than normal call volume. As a reminder, we provide chat services, policy self-service, and claims submission online, to help alleviate any unforeseeable delays.

As an essential business and service, Worth Ave. Group Customer Service is proud to be able to continue to serve our customers while maintaining our existing high level of standards during the current pandemic. To safeguard our own employees and their families, we have enabled our workforce’s mobile abilities. While all of our service channels are open and available (phone, live-agent chat, emails, and mail) response time may be somewhat delayed from increased service requests.

However, all requests continue to be fulfilled and answered as quickly as possible. We also appreciate your patience with some of our servicing channels, for example, phone calls, that may experience some minor remote issues affecting sound that would not be present if our staff were in-office. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Service Availability

Online Claims - Available 24/7 at worthavegroup.com/claim-submission
Phone Support - 1-800-620-2885. Available 8am – 6pm, CST, Monday – Friday; expect longer wait times.
Live-Agent Chat Support - Available 9am – 5pm, CST, Monday – Friday; expect longer wait times.
Send us a message online - worthavegroup.com/contact-worth-ave-group

Helpful Notices

If you are unable to receive shipments from our repair facilities: Please contact us at [email protected]. We have the ability to hold onto repaired devices or potentially redirect them if necessary until your operations are back to normal. Please contact your claims adjustor with any questions.

If your claim/issue is not urgent, we recommend customers use our online services if possible to reduce call/chat wait times. We will provide updates as necessary, thank you in advance for your patience!
