Worth Ave. Group - Providing peace of mind to consumers for over 50 years.

College Plus:
Greek House Officers

Personal Property Protection

Renters Liability Insurance Protects Greek House Officers

Worth Ave. Group understands the financial risk Greek House Officers take in providing housing for their chapter members. As a result, we have launched an optional student renters liability program to help protect your house property. Fire, smoke and water damage can occur at any time due to their mishaps. It’s important that your members have this renters insurance in place to help defray the expensive repair costs that may arise as the result of their negligence. By offering renters liability insurance to your members, your organization can spread the risk you Greek House Officers face protecting your building.


It’s easy and affordable: Offer our College Plus student renters insurance plan to your members to insure their valuable personal property. Then encourage students to add renters liability coverage to their policy to protect the chapter’s housing as well. Don’t let the risk of severe loss be a burden for your organization and chapters any longer. 

The Plan

+ Offers liability coverage to housing provider for the following losses caused by accidental resident mishaps: fire, smoke, water damage, resident-induced sewer backup, explosion.
+ Liability Coverage limits up to $30,000.
+ Affordable premiums and a low deductible of just $250.
+ Policy is primary, so we will respond first to a loss.
+ Available in all 50 states.

How it works

+ Provide College Plus insurance plans to your student residents.
+ Student residents then add property liability coverage to their College Plus plan.
+ Group plans are available to cover all student housing residents.
+ Per resident policy option is available.
+ Student residents can purchase coverage directly with us making it easy on you.
+ Student residents can be billed monthly or yearly.

The Benefits

+ Supplement liability coverage to reduce your exposure.
+ Helps reduce your loss ratios because claims are filed directly with Worth Ave. Group.
+ Designate your student housing company/facility as the loss payee on the resident’s policy to receive claim checks in your company/facility’s name.
+ Simple and easy claims process.
+ Generate revenue of your own for offering this plan to your residents.
+ With a College Plus plan student residents can protect their valuable personal property including electronics.
+ Group rates are available making the plan more affordable and creates higher participation among residents.
+ Our portal systems allows us to provide you with policy holder lists any time you need one.


For more information please call us today at 1-800-620-2885 or fill out the form below.
